Will you take diapers, baby wipes, or other necessities?
Not yet! We currently have limited space. While diapers and wipes are clearly a necessity, we are currently focusing on clothing.
How does Strick’s give items as gifts?
We wrap the clothes and other items in baby blue tissue and place them in bags with the "Strick's Gift" logo on the outside. It will be beautiful and a welcome gesture to many new parents. We want it to feel like a gift, not a handout. When you send us clothes or blankets, they are going straight to families that are still in the hospital—it is a very rewarding thing to do and a great way to know that your baby clothes are going to a family who will appreciate them. Save your keepsakes, but pass along what you don't use anymore.
How can I get involved?
Spread the word! Forward this website! Get our website in your church newsletters! Mothers and friends can have showers for 2nd and 3rd children and the gifts that are brought can be sent to Strick's Gift so that we can distribute them to babies in need. Please use our Contact Page to get in touch for more ideas—and if you have suggestions, please share those too!
I have baby furniture that I would like to donate. Will you take that?
We do not take baby furniture or gear , but Hope Clinic for Women in Nashville (www.hopeclinicforwomen.org) as well as Mother to Mother (www.mothertomotherinc.org) will.
Will you take money?
Yes! Please visit our Donate page for more information. And thank you, thank you, thank you.
How is giving to Strick’s Gift better than just donating my clothing to Goodwill?
Although Goodwill is an excellent organization that helps many families, we are specifically targeting newborns whose families do not have the means to pay for additional clothing for their children. We are also giving them clothes at the hospital—no charge, no forms, no questions—just a nice little package and well wishes.
Does it matter if it’s boys’ or girls’ clothing?
Not at all! We accept all seasonal clothing for both boys and girls.
Can I send toys or books?
Our primary focus is clothes (up to 12 months) and blankets. Due to allergy and safety issues, it’s best to not pass along used stuffed animals or other toys.
Can I send you toddler clothing?
Thank you for asking. We are currently focusing on newborns being able to start wearing and using the items immediately. Because of that, we are accepting clothing sizes from premature to 12 months. For recommendations on where you could send toddler clothing, we’d love to hear from you—please use our contact page to get in touch and we can provide you with a list of organizations.